BWRT® - BrainWorking Recursive Therapy

BrainWorking Recursive TherapyI see hundreds of people in a year for all manner of difficulties and I offer many ways of working to help you feel better, perhaps to be less stressed and less anxious, less panicked, to ditch a phobia, change a habit or behaviour pattern or become more focused and proactive in your life. My aim is always to find the very best method of working to suit you, your personality and what you need.

Since my own training, I have kept bang up to date with the latest developments in the world of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and counselling always open to investigating innovative treatments to add to my therapy knowledge base.  This is particularly important not only for my clients but also because I train people just coming into the profession and offer supervision to trained therapists too.

For a while, I have been learning and investigating one of the most exciting, innovative new ways of working that I have seen for many years and am pleased to be able to now offer BWRT® to my clients.

BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®  has been developed by my colleague Terence Watts.  A well-known author, educator and leading innovator in the world of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy.  Terence took the world of therapy by storm a few years ago when he wrote the book now used by many therapists titled 'Warriors Settlers and Nomads' a fascinating insight into ancestral memory and personality profiling. Terence has spent many years developing and testing BWRT® therapy.

After testing BWRT® myself with my own clients and seeing many remarkable results I am now happy to offer the therapy as a new treatment option and am delighted to add it to those methods of working I already offer. Other therapists who are using this therapy are also reporting stunning results and the therapy has recently been presented to the South African Psychological Society were so fascinated were the audience that the time allocated to the presentation was extended.

BWRT ®offers a way of working that makes it unnecessary to use hypnosis during the therapy and there is no need to disclose any information, it is a private way of working with no need to talk about any secrets unless you want to do so.

BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® works by using your own brains pathways, your powerful inner resources and thought processes. The therapy takes its name from the way the brain works, constantly reassessing the environment and making adjustments as necessary - and with this therapy, the adjustments lead to fast-acting, long-term self-improvement.

It offers a dynamic, fast, modern and completely natural means of change

To make an appointment give me a ring or send me an email. 01634 420202   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Let’s work

Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Coach, Psychotherapy & Relationship Counselling in Kent

Hypnosis Kent

The Admirals offices, Chatham Historic Dockyard, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TZ
Best time to call is between 6 and 7 pm
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